Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014


"Aku melompat darinya sejauh jarak kutapak sampai keujung langit. Namun seperti hukum gravitasi, aku kembali jatuh dalam dilema, dihati yang lama, pada orang yang sama."


"Ada seorang pria yang mencintai seorang wanita dengan amat sangat. Pria itu berharap bahwa wanita ini akan menjadi pendamping yang menemani sampai hembusan nafas terakhirnya. Namun yang pria itu dapat hanya kecewa dan perih yang bahkan ia rasakan sampai detik menuliskan titik."


"Jika ini sebuah dongeng maka kamu adalah putri kerajaan yang cantik jelita dan aku hanya pria biasa, pria biasa yang mencintaimu seindah senja sore, pria biasa yang menatap perih saat kamu bahagia bersama seorang pangeran berkuda putih."

Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

Merry Christmas

May your world be filled with warmth and good chear this Holy season and throughout the year.



"Let me give you all of me on this Christmas eve."


"All i want for christmas is you."


"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate with our loved ones."

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014

Quite like you

I never believed in black magic.
Until i witnessed this illusion that you were deeply rooted in.
Locked in the eyes of another.
Even as i urgently stood right in front of you.

Timing has never been very good to me. 
Because i always fall back.
Trying to recalculate my words.
They way they fell from my mouth.

I promise that my capabilities of hurting you have wilted away.
The room in my heart is  more vacant than ever.

Because even after all this time 
I have never loved another
quite like you...


"I try to shut up my heart but i only think of you. From the start to finish, it's you."


"When your heart doesn't tell the truth, pain gives the answer."


"I hope this will be a December to remember."

Sabtu, 22 November 2014


Karya: Fernando Leonardo

Bagai matahari menyapa di pagi hari, begitupun caramu datang ke hidupku, tiba-tiba.
Aku sedikit terkejut namun kini mulai terbiasa dan tidak biasa jika tiada kamu.

Hariku bagai kabut saat hujan, kamu mulai menyapa dan yang kulihat hanya pelangi.

Aku berada dibawah lampu jalan yang redup, diatas tanah yang berlumpur. 
Aku berharap dicari dan ditemukan, kamu mencari dan menemukan, aku.

Aku berjalan dilorong yang gelap dalam waktu yang lama dan kamu menyapa bagai jutaan lilin yang menyala bersamaan dan semuanya terasa baik-baik saja. 

Meski jarak berkata jauh dan waktu mengucap berbeda, ini yang kurasa dan apapun itu, aku menyukainya.


"No one's perfect until you fall in love with them."


"Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon and each month it cries for a love it will never touch."


"I am a wolf, her? my moon."

Jumat, 14 November 2014

Bodoh Untuk Kamu

Setelah sekian lama sibuk sama yang namanya perkuliahan, akhirnya bisa nulis lagi di blog. Okay untuk postingan kali ini gue mau bahas soal betapa bodohnya kita terhadap seseorang yang kita sayang. Gue terinspirasi dari beberapa orang yang pernah cerita sama gue lewat atau sengaja add line gue. 

Menurut gue pribadi, orang yang paling gampang melakukan hal bodoh untuk orang yang dia sayang adalah orang yang kesepian, berstatus jomblo udah lama dan hidupnya membosankan. Bayangin deh jadi orang itu, sampai akhirnya semua berubah waktu dia dipertemukan sama seorang cowok/cewek. Biasanya hp sepi sekarang ada dia yang bisa diajak ngobrol, dari pagi sampai malam ada aja topik yang bisa lo bicarain sama dia. Kesepian lo menghilang dan bahagia itu mulai ada. Hidup lo yang berkabut sekarang mulai dimasuki sinar matahari.

Berlanjut, tiap dia bales chatnya lama lo tungguin, meski dia balasnya pendek tapi sebisa mungkin lo jawab panjang supaya ada topik yang bisa terus-terusan diomongin, selalu lo yang ngechat duluan, selalu lo yang bales cepat, selalu lo yang nanya tanpa ditanya balik, dianya bosan, lonya malah jatuh cinta. 


"So many nights have i prayed you'd be mine."


"Painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel."


"It's so hard to live day by day without you."

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

Jumat, 05 September 2014

I Want to Date You

That cute girl that I coincidentally got to know, she’s not the ideal girl that I always dreamed of but for some reason, I’m attracted to her. Always with that same face, looking timidly at me. I want to hug you, how should I tell you how I feel?

Every day, I want to meet you. I want to call you every night and fall asleep. I want to wake you up every morning and start a day again.

Sometimes when you complain, i want to kiss your forehead, pretending to comfort you. I want to get jealous and miss you. I want to date you.


I didn’t know what to do.
I’m awkward with honest feelings.
I couldn’t say the words, I love you.

I’ll promise you, my love for you.
Which I dreamed for a long time.
Will you answer me?


I’m anxious, still scared to face you.
Your hand gestures, your way of talking.
I want to forget them.
I want to believe that our awkward encounter was just a dream in the middle of the night.

That’s what I’ll think
And when the black night comes, I get sad so I can erase you completely.
Is this love? Is this my greed? It’s not that easy.


I wish it was you, the person who will laugh with me.
I wish it was you, the person who will walk with me.
I wish it was you, on our way back home in the late evening.
The one person who will passionately hug me.

I’m afraid it will all disappear if I tell you.
So I’ve hidden these words without anyone knowing.
I really wish it was you, do you know how I feel?

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014


보고싶어서 더보고싶어져서 
bogosipeoseo deobogosipeojyeoseo
  Aku merindukanmu, bahkan lebih merindukanmu.

그런 나라서 난 너밖에 몰라서 
geureon naraseo nan neobakke mollaseo
Karena dirimu, aku hanya tahu tentang dirimu.


"My heart keeps waiting there for you, waiting for you to open it."


"Though i love you, though i feel but deep inside, i don't dare to tell you."

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014


"Maybe two people are destined to fall in love but not to be together in the end."


"Do you remember the times we had? let's bring it back."


"Trying hard to stop myself from telling you, that i'm dying inside, that i'm trying to hide all the feeling i have for you."

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014


"The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, no matter how far they wander."


"Now you're so near, your breath i hear. I've been waiting so long for you, i thought i'd never find you."


"Love has come but you say you're leaving. I waited for you but you say i can't see you anymore."

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014


"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it does not come back, it was never meant to be."

Rabu, 30 April 2014

Minggu, 13 April 2014


"Letting go is just another way to say i will always love you so."


"Will you remember how we are? will you stay with me when I try to be a better one for you?"


"Losing you is not the end of the world, but it's true that it definitely hurts."

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Move on, Pilihan dan Waktu

"Terus gue harus gimana?" kata temen cewek gue yang lagi curhat tentang mantannya. 
"Yaudah lo move on dong." kata gue.
"Tapi gue masih sayang."
"Ya kalo masih sayang sedih-sedih bentar gpp kok, namanya juga baru putus." 
"Tapi gue gamau sedih-sedih." 
"Yaudah move on dong." 
"Tapi gue masih sayang banget keleussss." dia ngelanjutin curhatnya dan gue hanya bisa mendengarkan dengan sabar. 

Untuk sebagian orang, kata "move on." tuh udah melekat banget di kehidupan sehari-hari, tiap curhat ke temennya pasti langsung dikasih saran: "makanya move on dong!" mereka gatau aja susahnya move on dari orang yang masih kita sayang banget itu kaya apa. 

Kenapa sih orang ga bisa move on? ada beberapa alasan:


"For you, i was a chapter. For me, you were the book."

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014


"I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You're my first thought in the morning, you're my last thought before i fall asleep, and you're almost every thought between."


"She walks away, wind in hair, and as i gasp for breath i realize, she takes with her all the air from the empty room i remain in."

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014


I miss the way we used to text each other every day, now it's like we are strangers."

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014


"Pada akhirnya di hati ada yang selalu dinanti, tersimpan nama yang tak pernah kemana-mana."


"Waiting someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport."


"Teruskan saja kagumi dia, teruskan saja mencari tahu semua tentang dia, teruskan saja mengejar dia tanpa arah yang jelas. Aku hanya bisa diam dan menanti, dengan terkadang merasa cemburu."

Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014


"She was never in my vocabulary. Until one day, she became the only word i know."


“Aku memandangimu tanpa perlu menatap. Aku mendengarmu tanpa perlu alat. Aku menemuimu tanpa perlu hadir. Aku mencintaimu tanpa perlu apa-apa, karena kini kumiliki segalanya.”

Jatuh Cinta atau Kesepian?

Kalian lagi dalam keadaan susah, sendirian dan ngerasa kesepian, ngejomblo udah lama dan kadang suka iri kalo ngeliat yang lain jalan sama pacarnya sedangkan lo masih aja jalan kemana-mana sendiri. Tiba-tiba karna suatu keadaaan lo dipertemukan sama seseorang, lo nyambung ngobrol sama dia, kadang ketawa kecil pas dia ngelawak, telponan sampai pagi, terus jadi tiap hari chat-chatan, pas dia balesnya lama ditungguin, atau kalo tiba-tiba dia ngilang lo kangen, terus lo cari-cari twitter/fb-nya, pas ketemu lo kepoin terus,terus,terus dan nyesek sendiri. 

Pernah kaya gini? 


"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

This Love Comes Late

I don't understand, why it comes to this? 
Long time ago, i never feel missing you.
But when everything changes.
You are far away from me, you go and leave me.

Maybe i love you indeed.
Maybe i regret it indeed.

I have ignored your feelings in those times.
I was only denying what my heart tells me that's all.

But why this love comes late?